Authors featured on this blog, ordered by surname:
Millicent Borges Accardi, "Quarantine Highway"
Rosalind Adam, "Induction Day"
Rosalind Adam, "We All Belong"
Kristina Adams, "How Creative Writing Skills Can Make You a Better Copywriter"
Kristina Adams, "Revenge of the Redhead"
Kristina Adams, "The Ghost's Call"
Kristina Adams, "Writing Character Goals, Objectives, Flaws and Fears"
Malka Al-Haddad, "Letter to Santa"
Malka Al-Haddad, "The Truth at the End of the Night"
Kelli Allen, "Banjo's Inside Coyote"
Kelli Allen, "Leaving the Skin on the Bear"
Wendy Allen, "Portrait in Mustard"
Maram Al-Masri, "The Abduction," translated by Hélène Cardona
Rosie Anderson, "Managing a Master's Dissertation"
Loz Anstey, "Orange from Grey"
Kirsten Arcadio, "Reality Is Not What It Seems"
Karen Argent, "The Dream I Held in My Hands"
Jessica Bacon, "I'm a Master's Graduate!"
Anne Bailey, "What the House Taught Us"
Elizabeth Baines, "Astral Travel"
Alan Baker, "A Journal of Enlightened Panic"
Charlotte Barnes, "All I See Is You"
Sarah Barnsley, "The Thoughts"
Michael Bartholomew-Biggs, "Identified Flying Objects"
Caroline Bath, "The Life We Make"
Yvonne Battle-Felton, "Remembered"
Joe Bedford, "A Bad Decade for Good People"
Joe Bedford, "From Organic Farm to PhD in Creative Writing"
Natalie Beech, Interviewed by Sonia Tailor
Shaindel Beers, "The (Im)Precision of Language"
Kathleen Bell, "Do You Know How Kind I Am?"
Charles Bennett, "Cloud River"
Alyse Bensel, "Rare Wondrous Things"
Laura Besley, "The Almost Mothers"
Alan Bilton, "The End of the Yellow House"
Julia Bird, "is, thinks Pearl"
Julian Bishop, "We Saw It All Happen"
Christopher Black and Matthew Bright, "Between the Lines"
Ilaria Boffa, "Beginnings & Other Tragedies / Inizi e Altre Tragedie"
Petrus Borel, "Rhapsodies 1831," trans. John Gallas and Kurt Gänzl
Penny Boxall, "The Curiosities"
Alison Brackenbury, "Thorpeness"
Sushma Bragg, "It's Never Too Late"
David Briggs, "The Odyssey Complex and Other Poems"
Maggie Brookes, "Acts of Love and War"
Maggie Brookes, "The Prisoner's Wife"
Maggie Brookes-Butt, "Wish: New and Selected Poems"
Louise Brown, Colin Gardiner and Kathleen Hoyle, "Magical Mystery Tour 2018"
Charis Buckingham, "What Ghostwriting Taught Me"
Will Buckingham, "Hello, Stranger: How We Find Connection in a Disconnected World"
Rebecca Burns, "Kezia & Rosie"
Janet Burroway, "The Dancer from the Dance"
Richard Byrt, "The Trouble with Carruthers"
Helen Calcutt, "Unable Mother"
Anne Caldwell, "Alice and the North"
Anne Caldwell, "Neither Here Nor There"
Neil Campbell, "Saying Dirty Things in Regional Accents"
Stephanie Carty, "Inside Fictional Minds"
Stephanie Carty, "The Writing Mirror"
Lynda Clark, "Dreaming in Quantum and Other Stories"
Rachael Clyne, "You'll Never Be Anyone Else"
Jonathan Coe, "Mr Wilder and Me"
Catherine Cole, "Slipstream: On Memory and Migration"
Tom Conaghan (ed.), "Reverse Engineering"
Constantine, "And things begin to change ... and other stories"
Constantine, "The Cats of Charnwood Forest"
Constantine, "Tiya and the Minotaur"
Juliet Cook, "red flames burning out"
Barbara Cooke, "Evelyn Waugh's Oxford"
Alexandra Corrin-Tachibana, "Sing me down from the dark"
Ailsa Cox, "Precipitation," with images by Patricia Farrell
Dan Coxon and Richard V. Hirst (ed.), "Writing the Uncanny: Essays on Crafting Strange Fiction"
Martyn Crucefix, "Between a Drowning Man"
Abi Curtis (ed.), "Blood & Cord: Writers on Early Parenthood"
Laurie Cusack, "The Bottle and the Trowel"
Mona Dash, "Let Us Look Elsewhere"
Rishi Dastidar, "Neptune's Projects"
Jonathan Davidson, "A Commonplace"
Peter Davidson, "Arctic Elegies"
Gram Joel Davies, "Not Enough Rage"
Gary Day, "Snapshot 1952" and "The Art of Perspective"
Ariane Dean, Review of Emmanuelle Pagano, "Trysting"
Dani Devenney, "Girls Who Play Sports"
Kit de Waal, "Why Do a Creative Writing MA?"
Kit de Waal, "Without Warning & Only Sometimes"
Imtiaz Dharker, "Shadow Reader"
Angel Dionne, "Bird Ornaments"
Sophie Duffy, "Betsy & Lilibet"
Sophie Duffy, "D is for Death"
Georgia Duplooy, "To my Arch Enemy, the Freezer"
Kate Durban, "The Creative Writing Dissertation"
Michael Edwards, "Another Art of Poetry and Doorstones"
Simon Elson, "Pitch Perfect: Make Money From Your Writing"
Carrie Etter, "Grief's Alphabet"
Carrie Etter, "The Shooting Gallery"
Ken Evans, "To An Occupier Burning Holes"
Frances Evelyn, "The Traitor Within"
Rachel J Fenton, "Beerstorming with Charlotte Brontë in New York"
Martin Figura, "My Name Is Mercy"
Martin Figura, "The Remaining Men"
Bert Flitcroft, "Seeing the Light"
Viv Fogel, "Imperfect Beginnings"
Helen Foster, "Let Them Speak! Oral History Archives as an Inspiration for Creative Writing"
Lauren Foster, "The Angel of Welford Road"
Tracey Foster, "Deep Diving the YA Market: My Creative Writing Dissertation"
Tracey Foster, "Writing the Small Sublime"
Corinne Fowler, "Our Island Stories"
David Frankel, "Forgetting is How We Survive"
Jane Fraser, "Connective Tissue"
Neil Fulwood, "Can't Take Me Anywhere"
Neil Fulwood, "The Point of the Stick"
John Gallas, "Aotearoa/Angleland: 30+30 Tankas"
Cathy Galvin, "Walking the Coventry Ring Road with Lady Godiva"
Colin Gardiner, "High Street Blues"
Annalise Garrett, Review of Ashley Stokes (ed.), "The End"
Linda Gask, "Finding the True North: The Healing Power of Place"
Rob Gee, "The Day My Head Exploded: Poems About Healthcare"
Z. R. Ghani, "In the Name of Red"
Thilsana Gias, "Researching and Writing a Historical Dissertation"
Caroline Gill, "Driftwood by Starlight"
Robert Graham, "The Former Boy Wonder"
Rachel Eliza Griffiths, "Promise"
Kerry Hadley-Pryce, "God's Country"
Kerry Hadley-Pryce, "Lie of the Land"
Robert Hamberger, "A Length of Road: Finding Myself in the Footsteps of John Clare"
Tim Hannigan, "The Granite Kingdom: A Cornish Journey"
Caroline Hardaker, "Little Quakes Every Day"
Bruce Harris, "Roxanne Riding Hood and Other Dubious Tales"
Millie Henson, "The Call of the Wild in Children's Literature"
Tania Hershman, "and what if we were all allowed to disappear"
Tania Hershman, "Still Life With Octopus"
Talia Hibbert, "Get a Life, Chloe Brown"
Charlie Hill, "Encounters With Everyday Madness"
Charlie Hill, "I Don't Want to Go to the Taj Mahal"
Charlie Hill, "On Running a Literary Festival"
Charlie Hill, "The Author as Promoter: A How-To Guide"
Charlie Hill, "The Pirate Queen"
Siobhian R. Hodges, "Untitled Decade"
Sarah Holland-Batt, "The Jaguar: Selected Poems"
Andrew Hook, "Candescent Blooms"
Brian Howell, "The Man Who Loved Kuras and Other Stories"
Kathy Hoyle, "An MA in Creative Writing: Is It for You?"
Kathy Hoyle, "Chasing the Dragon"
Kathy Hoyle, "Writing the Coal Face: Oral History and Creative Writing"
Sue Hubbard, "Swimming to Albania"
Amanda Huggins, "An Unfamiliar Landscape"
Ian Humphreys (ed.), "Why I Write Poetry"
Ruth Hunt, "The Single Feather"
Rebecca Hurst, "The Fox's Wedding"
Abi Hynes, "Monstrous Longing"
Helen Ivory, "Constructing a Witch"
Helen Ivory, "The Anatomical Venus"
Helen Ivory, "Wunderkammer: New and Selected Poems"
Heidi James, "The Sound Mirror"
Sarah James, "Blood Sugar, Sex, Magic"
Sarah James, "Ten Lines or More Than Just Love Notes"
Mandy Jarvis, "Moving on Up: Writing a Creative Dissertation"
Sabyn Javeri (ed.), "Ways of Being: Creative Non-Fiction by Pakistani Women"
Carolyn Jess-Cooke, "We Have to Leave the Earth"
Eliot John, Review of Emma Lee and Ambrose Musiyiwa (ed.),"Welcome to Leicester"
Ellie Fleur Johnson, "Phonetic A Bee Sees"
Stephen Johnson, "How Shostakovich Changed My Mind"
Stephen Johnson, "The Eighth: Mahler and the World in 1910"
Barry Jones, "The Book of Niall"
Carol Rowntree Jones, "If a forest"
Chris Jones, "Little Piece of Harm"
Gaynor Jones, "Among These Animals"
Peter Thabit Jones, "A Cancer Notebook"
Peter Thabit Jones, "Garden of Clouds: New and Selected Poems"
Peter Thabit Jones, "Under the Raging Moon"
Tionee Joseph, "Mastering the Dissertation"
Jenny Kane, "Reflecting: The Lessons I've Learned as a Writer"
Jenny Kane, "The Accidental Author"
Isabelle Kenyon (ed.), "Please Hear What I'm Not Saying"
Isabelle Kenyon, "Small Press Publishing: The Dos and Dont's"
Isabelle Kenyon, "The Dark Within Them"
Isabelle Kenyon & Charley Barnes (ed.), "In Conversation with ... Literary Journals"
Tess Kincaid, "Limestone: Legacy of a Curse"
Andrew Komarnyckyj, "Ezra Slef"
Charles G Lauder Jr, "The Aesthetics of Breath"
Charles G Lauder Jr, "Year of the Rat"
Daniel Lawless, "I Tell You This Now
Gregory Leadbetter, "Maskwork"
Emma Lee, "The Significance of a Dress"
Giselle Leeb, "Mammals, I Think We Are Called"
Carol Leeming, "Song for Guests"
A. J. Lees, "Brainspotting: Adventures in Neurology"
A. J. Lees, "Brazil That Never Was"
A. J. Lees, "Neurological Birdsong"
Thomas Legendre, "Keeping Time"
Dorothy Lehane, "Bettbehandlung"
Fiona Linday (ed.), "Making Our World Better"
Matthew Lopez-Bland, "The Vicar's Beard"
Kate Loveman, "Other Lives in Samuel Pepys's Diary"
Rebecca Lowe, "Blood and Water"
Lorette C. Luzajic (ed.), "The Ekphrastic Review"
Lorette C. Luzajic, "The Sound of Music: Ekphrastic Review Contest"
Lorette C. Luzajic, "Winter in June"
Victoria MacKenzie, "For Thy Great Pain Have Mercy On My Little Pain"
Simon Maddrell, "The Whole Island"
F. C. Malby, "A Place of Unfinished Sentences"
Kevan Manwaring, "Writing Ecofiction"
Kevan Manwaring (ed.), "Ballad Tales: An Anthology of British Ballads Retold"
Pattie McCarthy, "goodwifthing"
Jim McElroy, "We Are the Weather"
Rosanna McGlone (ed.), "The Process of Poetry"
Michelle McGrane, "The Architecture of Leaves"
Laura McKee, "Take Care of Your Hooves Darling"
Lucie McKnight Hardy, "Dead Relatives and Other Stories"
rob mclennan, "On Beauty: stories"
rob mclennan, "The Book of Smaller"
Paul McVeigh (ed.), "The 32: An Anthology of Irish Working-Class Voices"
Sam Meekings, "The Afterlives of Dr Gachet"
Catherine Menon, "Fragile Monsters"
Karuna Mistry and Pratibha Savani, "Sojourn"
Amirah Mohiddin, "Our Future Storytellers: A Creative and Critical Writing Course"
Amirah Mohiddin, "The Storyteller: My PhD in Creative Writing"
Alison Moore, "Eastmouth and Other Stories"
Kim Moore, "All the Men I Never Married"
Kim Moore, "What the Trumpet Taught Me"
Marshall Moore and Sam Meekings (ed.), "The Place and the Writer"
Alyson Morris, "My PhD in Creative Writing: You'll Fall Through All Those Boys"
Alyson Morris, Review of Leonie Orton, "I Had It In Me"
Blake Morrison, "Never the Right Time"
Graham Mort, "Like Fado and Other Stories"
Paul Munden, "Unclassified: Nigel Kennedy in Chapters & Verse"
Ambrose Musiyiwa (ed.), "Black Lives Matter: Poems for a New World"
Ambrose Musiyiwa (ed.), "Leicester 2084 AD: New Poems about The City"
Ambrose Musiyiwa, "Welcome to Leicester"
Serge ♆ Neptune, "Mother Night"
Alice Newitt, "Before the Grasses"
Hannah Nicklin, "Multiple Middles: Storytelling in Games"
Hannah Nicklin, "Writing for Games: Theory & Practice"
Christopher Norris, "A Partial Truth"
Nigel Pantling, "It's Not Personal"
Rennie Parker, "Balloons and Stripey Trousers"
Becca Parkinson, "How to Make the Most out of a Writing Course or Workshop"
Joy Pearson, "Untangling the Webs"
Louise Peterkin, "The Night Jar"
Pascale Petit, "My Hummingbird Father"
Vic Pickup, "The Omniscient Tooth Fairy"
Kathy Pimlott, "After the Rites and Sandwiches"
Kathy Pimlott, "the small manoeuvres"
Alexandros Plasatis, "Made by Sea and Wood, in Darkness"
Alexandros Plasatis, "With The Refugees"
Alexandros Plasatis (ed.), et al, "the other side of hope"
Alexandros Plasatis (ed.), et al, "the other side of hope," vol.2
Ian Pople, "Spillway: New and Selected Poems"
Dan Powell, "Endings in Short Stories"
Karen Powell, Bloodlines: "Exploring Family History Through Poetry: A Creative Writing PhD"
Cathi Rae, "Just This Side of Seaworthy and Other Poems" and "Rock, Paper, Scissors and Other Poems"
Cathi Rae, "Your Cleaner Hates You and Other Poems"
Sara Read, "The Gossip's Choice"
Susan Richardson, "Where the Seals Sing"
Mat Riches, "Collecting the Data"
Bethan Roberts, "My Policeman"
Shelley Roche-Jacques, "Shrink"
Sam Alexandra Rose, "The CMMRD Book"
Sam Alexandra Rose, "Gut Feelings: Coping with Cancer and Living with Lynch Syndrome"
Michael Rosen, "Many Different Kinds of Love"
Jacqui Rowe, "I.M. Dave Reeves"
Nicholas Royle, "White Spines"
Ki Russell, "The Wolf at the Door"
Karen Rust, "Doing a Part-Time MA in Creative Writing"
Rosalind Rustom, "A Day at Lowdham Book Festival"
Alicia Saccoh, "Musicality: 10"
Alicia Saccoh, "So You Want to Self-Publish?"
Tristram Fane Saunders, "Before We Go Any Further"
Michael Schmidt, "Talking to Stanley on the Telephone"
Myra Schneider, "Siege and Symphony"
James Scudamore, "English Monsters"
Robert Selby, "The Kentish Rebellion"
Gemma Seltzer, "Ways of Living"
Aidan Semmens, "The Jazz Age: An Entertainment"
Shreya Sen-Handley, "Handle with Care: Travels with My Family (To Say Nothing of the Dog)"
Sally Shaw, "Spokes of The Docker's Umbrella"
Suzi Shimwell, "A poem only about toothbrushes"
Diane Simmons, "A Tricky Dance"
Diane Simmons, "William Prichard & Co"
Jane Simmons, "Never After" and "Maternal Line"
Richard Skinner, "White Noise Machine"
Zoë Skoulding, "A Marginal Sea"
Heidi Slettedahl, "Mo(u)rning Rituals"
Lisa Smalley, "Is an Internship for You?"
Lisa Smalley, "The Parent-Student Balance"
Teika Marija Smits, "Umbilical"
Teika Marija Smits, "Waterlore"
Mahsuda Snaith, "The Things We Thought We Knew"
Rachel Spence, "Daughter of the Sun"
Ruth Stacey, "The Dark Room: Letters to Krista"
Julian Stannard, "New and Selected Poems"
Julian Stannard, "Please Don't Bomb the Ghost of My Brother"
Martin Stannard, "The Moon is About 238,855 Miles Away"
Hannah Stevens, "Caterpillars"
Hannah Stevens, "In Their Absence"
Hannah Stevens, "The Ypres Cross"
Karen Stevens and Jonathan Taylor (ed), "High Spirits: A Round of Drinking Stories"
Matthew Stewart, "The Knives of Villalejo"
Matthew Stewart, "Whatever You Do, Just Don't"
Shauna Strathmann, "Two Poems"
Melissa Studdard, "Dear Selection Committee"
Judi Sutherland, "Following Teisa"
Emma Claire Sweeney, "Owl Song at Dawn"
Sonia Tailor, "My Work Experience with Shoestring Press"
Tina Otito Tamsho-Thomas, "Someone Is Missing Me"
Andrew Taylor, "European Hymns"
Andrew Taylor, "Northangerland: Re-versions of the Poetry of Branwell Brontë"
Andrew Taylor, "Not There - Here"
Jonathan Taylor, "A Physical Education: On Bullying, Discipline and Other Lessons"
Jonathan Taylor, "Cassandra Complex"
Jonathan Taylor, "Creativity, Covid and Kindness"
Jonathan Taylor, "I.M. Ian Jack (1945-2022): An Appreciation"
Jonathan Taylor, "I.M. Julie Boden"
Jonathan Taylor, "I.M. Steffi Schwarcz-Birnbaum"
Jonathan Taylor, "Laughter, Literature, Violence"
Jonathan Taylor, "Leicester Book Prize 2018"
Jonathan Taylor, "Leicester Shindig: A Retrospect"
Jonathan Taylor, "Remembering, Forgetting and Storytelling"
Jonathan Taylor, "Scablands and Other Stories"
Jonathan Taylor, "Some Useful Online Resources for Creative Writers"
Jonathan Taylor, "Time, Narrative and Genre"
Jonathan Taylor, "What Is the MA in Creative Writing at Leicester?"
Megan Taylor, "The Therapist's Daughter"
Anastasia Taylor-Lind, "One Language"
Paul Taylor-McCartney, "Creative and Critical Digressions"
Paul Taylor-McCartney, "Sisters of the Pentacle"
Fiona Theokritoff, "New Uses for a Wand"
Michael W. Thomas, "A Time for Such a Word"
Michael W. Thomas, "Sing Ho! Stout Cortez: Novellas and Stories"
Michael W. Thomas, "The Erkeley Shadows"
Michael W. Thomas, "Two Poems"
Pam Thompson, "Strange Fashion"
Olivia Titherington, "The Sun and Her Children"
Lydia Towsey, "The English Disease"
David Tregarthen, "Come the Dark Night"
Louisa Treger, "The Dragon Lady"
Sumayya Usmani, "Andaza: A Memoir of Food, Flavour and Freedom in the Pakistani Kitchen"
Anna Vaught, "Red and Green Flags in Publishing"
Anna Vaught, "These Envoys of Beauty"
Anna Vaught, "The Zebra and Lord Jones"
Sara Waheed, "The Cut of a Feather"
Michelene Wandor, "Critical-Creative Writing: Two Sides of the Same Coin: A Foundation Reader"
Michelene Wandor, "Orfeo's Last Act"
Michelene Wandor, "Travellers"
Meng Wang, "After I Bumped My Head on a Children's Slide"
Scarlett Ward Bennett (ed.), "Elements: Natural & The Supernatural"
Rory Waterman, "Come Here to This Gate"
Roy Waterman, "Sweet Nothings"
Amy E. Weldon, "Advanced Fiction: A Writer's Guide and Anthology"
India Wentworth, "Work Experience, Copywriting and Journalism"
Chris Westoby, "The Fear Talking"
Charlotte Wetton, "Accessioning"
Jonathan Wilkins (ed.), "An Attempt at Exhausting a Place In Leicester"
Jonathan Wilkins, "Poppy Flowers at the Front"
Jonathan Wilkins, "Utrecht Snow"
Merryn Williams, "After Hastings"
Merryn Williams (ed.), "Poems for the Year 2020: Eighty Poets on the Pandemic"
Jackie Wills, "On Poetry: Reading, Writing & Working with Poems"
Gregory Wilson, "The Civil Service Fast Stream - Career Opportunities"
Kim Wiltshire, "NHS Verbatim Poems"
Katy Wimhurst, "An Orchid in My Belly Button"
Katy Wimhurst, "Let Them Float"
Katy Wimhurst, "Snapshots of the Apocalypse"
Gregory Woods, "Records of an Incitement to Silence"
Jeremy Worman, "The Way to Hornsey Rise: An Autobiographical Novel"
Lee Wright, "The Fog Harvesters"
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