Saturday 23 March 2019

The Yellow Book

The University of Leicester's own Yellow Book has just been published. It features positive poetry, photography and artwork by staff and students from the University of Leicester, in partnership with RethinkYourMind as part of the Health Matters initiative. Contributors were asked to respond creatively to the phrase "I Feel Better When ..."

Poetry editors included Jonathan Taylor from the University of Leicester, and Leicester-based poets Rob Gee, Lydia Towsey and Mellow Baku. Poems selected for the Yellow Book include work by current Creative Writing students at the university Shae Davies and Thilsana Gias. 

The book also includes wellbeing material from The Centre of Wellbeing, the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, The Royal College of Psychiatrists and NHS Choices. 5,000 copies of the book have been printed, and are being distributed for free. 

You can read the poetry here.

You can see more details about the book here

Requests for The UoL Yellow Book can be sent to Carrie Laverick, email cw411 [at] le [dot] ac [dot] uk.

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